
The EU’s Response to the Gaza War Is a Tale of Contradiction and Division
 The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, January/February 2024
 By Martin Konecny

In the face of worst-ever Israeli-Palestinian violence, Europe’s selective moralism has also led to strategic blindness. Also published by Qantara.de and Clingendael Spectator.
Why EU's €18m for Israel undermines peace
 EUobserver, 4 December 2023
 By Martin Konecny

Why does the EU, in the middle of the Gaza war, throw money on Israel's Abraham Accords, which have only pushed peace with the Palestinians further away?
EU aid to Palestinians is more needed than ever – stopping it would be a gift to Hamas
 The Guardian, 12 October 2023
 By Martin Konecny

Brussels is right to backtrack on its threats – cutting the territories’ largest aid package would only inflame the crisis
Textbook hypocrisy: EU's new low point on Palestine
 EUobserver, 15 September 2021
 By Martin Konecny

Why are EU Commissioner Várhelyi and Members of the European Parliament devoting more time to exaggerated allegations about Palestinian textbooks than to dealing with real challenges on the ground?
Europe's shameful bias on Israel-Palestine
 Middle East Eye, 19 May 2021  
 By Martin Konecny

On the selectivity in European official reactions to the latest Israeli-Palestinian round of violence. Also available in French and in Czech in Deník Referendum.
EU must stand up to Trump's Middle East 'peace plan'
 EUobserver, 30 October 2018 
 By Martin Konecny

EU diplomacy must ensure that Trump's 'Deal of the Century' on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is dead on arrival if it does not meet international parameters.
Britain's shameful role shielding Israel from a UN inquiry
 Politics.co.uk, 29 May 2018 
 By Martin Konecny

The British government took a negative stance towards an independent UN investigation into the latest violence in Gaza. Martin Konecny dissects UK’s arguments and contrasts its position with UK’s own experience investigating the Bloody Sunday massacre.
Six EU double standards on Israel
 Euobserver, 22 February 2016 
 By Martin Konecny

The Israeli government has been accusing the EU of employing a “double standard” in relation to Israel. It claims that the EU treats Israel harsher than other countries. EuMEP’s director Martin Konecny demonstrates that, in fact, the opposite is true.

For EuMEP’s publications about “FIFA and settlements”, click here.