
EuMEP is a not-for-profit organisation registered in Belgium. It seeks support from foundations, NGOs and private individuals.

EuMEP safeguards its integrity and only accepts funding that preserves its independence. It is not funded by the EU or governments.

In addition to individual donors, EuMEP thanks the following foundations and NGOs for their present or past support:

  • Rockefeller Brothers Fund
  • Bertha Foundation
  • medico international
  • CCFD-Terre Solidaire
  • Open Society Foundations

EuMEP’s revenue in 2018 amounted to € 93.041 and expenditures amounted to € 107.067.

For 2019, EuMEP’s anticipated revenue is € 131.600 and expenditures € 119.000. The surplus will be added to the general reserve.

See EuMEP’s file on the European Transparency Initiative website.